Monday, February 14, 2011

Julia Harvey Weight Loss Tips

I recently read an interesting article about Julia Havey, author of the Dr. Oz acclaimed book "The Vice-Busting Diet."
Ms. Harvey, 48, weighed nearly 300 lbs. at one time. Her life was a humiliating mess, which you can read in more detail in her book. When a homeless man outside a convenience store drew laughs from onlookers when he heckled her about eating a candy bar, she knew a change had to be made.
She felt the food the she was having way too much of was ice-cream, and simply cut that out. After three months, she dropped 30 lbs.!
The "career dieter" then thought of her second biggest vice: fast food. She eliminated that, and then soft drinks. She also started to exercise.
Eliminating one bad habit after the last was mastered, she eventually reached 150 lbs., exactly half of her heaviest weight!
She emphasizes this isn't a diet, which she feels are too restrictive for people to stick with. It's just one change at a time!
Interesting tidbits of her thoughts:
*The most basic change is drinking water instead of soft drinks.
*The biggest obstacles to losing weight are soft drinks, fast food, portion sizes, and
television (unless you're on the treadmill while watching, I guess)!
*It's easier to go for full abstinenece on certain foods, than eating them in
moderation. "If people can eat them in moderation," she points out, "we wouldn't
have an obesity pandemic in America."
*The best exercise is one that you'll continue to do. Her favorites: the elliptical
machine and golf!
All this is very sensible advice, in my opinion. Havey has a goal of helping 1 million
people to lose weight. With that in mind, her program is available free, online, at

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