Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Benefits of tea

Tea - so soothing and indespensible when we have a cold. Energizing and calming, at the same time. Tea has certainly grown in popularity, with numerous flavors, decaffeinated varieties, and indisputrable health benefits. I still enjoy my two cups of coffee in the morning, and then switch to tea for my hot drink fix after that. After a meal, I always feel tea helps with my digestion.

You will often here discussion on the benefits of green tea versus black tea. Acutually, all tea comes from the same plant, with the different varieties dependent on the processing of it.

All varieties of teas have antioxidants in them. Catechin is the ingredient that studies show reduce the risk of diabetes and some forms of cancer.

Green tea contains the most Catechin, and is the best variety to lower LDL, or bad, cholesterol, and for preventing colon cancer. Most dietary experts feel that black tea is just as beneficial for you, overall.

Green tea is more popular in Asia, so studies there report good health benefits from green tea. Black tea is more prevelant in the United States and England, so medical reports from there tend to favor black tea.

Whatever your preference, keep tea as a key part of your diet and you won't go wrong.

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