Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Running Through Injury

I am running (hobbling) through knee pain! What started as an annoying tightness in both knee-caps early this summer, segued into a torn meniscus in the right knee in August, which was treated with cold laser therapy. Three weeks of swimming and light elliptical followed, before running (ever so gingerly) on the track and gravel paths. Foam rollers and stretching, as well as ice and Aleve followed every run. I've ventured out on the roads since then, even though the difference in surface pounding is noticable. I've also tried some 400-meter repeats, but I'm sure anyone who saw me out on the Watchung Hills track was wondering what that gimpy middle-aged guy was attempting to do! Yesterday, I completed my first hill workout since the injury, and my six-mile tempo runs (unbelievably) have been at the same pace I was doing pre-meniscus tear. The first mile is always a totally painful near-limp. Then the 56-year old legs gradually loosen, and by three miles, I'm usually able to think of something other than my throbbing knee-caps! Going down stairs has gotten more manageable, although I'm still staying away from weighted step-ups and lunges at the gym. The swelling has gone away significantly, but not disappeared, yet. Part of my recovery issue is my profession. I usually train about six clients a day, and like to join in on the walking lunges in the parking lot and "prisoner squats" inside the gym. And then, of course, I have to get my own workout in as well! The upright bike was impossible for me when I first got injured, with the downward force creating too much pressure. I know I'm getting better, because I've been able to resume that cross-training mode. I tried the rower just after the meniscus tear, and the flexion on the knee was not a good idea. I think I can get back to that soon, as well. My real test will be my first 5-K since the injury: the Watchung Hills Municipal Alliance 5-K on Oct. 19th, at Watchung Lake. Many members of our club are entering, and it's usually my last race of the Fall, before the cold weather sets in. Last year, I was battling a groin strain, and struggled through in 21 minutes and change. The year before that, it was an achilles issue...This year, meniscus year, something else, I'm sure!

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