Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Strokes in Young People

New research shows that Strokes, the potentially fatal heart disease caused by lack of oxygen to the brain, is rising amongst young people and dropping with seniors.

A comprehensive report was released on the subject by the American Stroke Association last month, comparing hospitilizations for strokes in 1994 and 1995 to 2006 and 2007.

The sharpest increase was amongst men, ages 15 to 34 - which rose a whopping 51%. Women in this age group rose 17%. The theory is that the obesity epidemic in America is re-shaping the assumed age burden of the disease.

Statiistically, older Americans are still more likely to suffer from strokes (300 stroke cases amongst 10,000 hospitilizations in 2006-07). For males, 15-34, that number was 15 stroke cases per 10,000 hospitilizations. For women that age, it was just four strokes per 10,000 hospitilizations.

For middle-aged (35-44) males, the statistics rose 47 percent in the last decade, and 36% for women of the same age group.

The good news: for men 65 and older, strokes dropped by 25 % in the testing period. For women, it was an even more encouraging 29%. Doctors feel that is because of better care of risk factors, like high blood pressure. Overall, strokes dropped from the third most likely cause of death to the fourth, which is attributed to better after-care and prevention methods amongst the elderly.

But the rise in young people is still worrisome to doctors. The main culprits amongst young people were the aforementioned high blood pressure and obesity, as well as smoking, alcohol abuse, and diabetes.

One somewhat controversial note was the parallel between diet soda and strokes. Those who drank diet soda every day had a 48% higher risk of stroke or heart attack than those who drank no soda. This could be related to the sodium in diet drinks or lther lifestyle issues. I would theorize that those who drink no soda at all probably have a more disciplined diet all the way around than soda drinkers, and also are more likely to engage in other preventative measures like steady exercise.

As for me, I exercise every day and still enjoy a Diet Coke with a burger or plate of pasta when I eat out. If I were to consume more than two a day, just like alcohol, I would sense that it would not be a healthy lifestyle choice.


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